public bool IsSpecialKey(Keys key)
// All keys except A-Z, 0-9 and `-\[];',./= (and space) are special keys.
// With shift pressed this also results in this keys:
// ~_|{}:"<>? !@#$%^&*().
int keyNum = (int)key;
if ((keyNum >= (int)Keys.A && keyNum <= (int)Keys.Z) ||
(keyNum >= (int)Keys.D0 && keyNum <= (int)Keys.D9) ||
key == Keys.Space || // well, space ^^
key == Keys.OemTilde || // `~
key == Keys.OemMinus || // -_
key == Keys.OemPipe || // \|
key == Keys.OemOpenBrackets || // [{
key == Keys.OemCloseBrackets || // ]}
key == Keys.OemQuotes || // '"
key == Keys.OemQuestion || // /?
key == Keys.OemPlus) // =+
return false;
return true;
I have experience working with C++ and DirectX. I prefer working with C# and WPF. In my spare time I work with HTML, JS, CSS.